File sharing philistines

Eureka! I’ve finally discovered why the music industry is against file sharing applications. If you’ve ever searched for your favorite band you’ll soon realize there are songs by them that you’ve never heard. If you’ve searched for a song you’ll discover that it was performed by someone you hadn’t expected. Let’s take a look: I… Continue reading File sharing philistines

Back to work

I’m back to full time work so I don’t have as much time anymore to post. I’ll try to not give up all together. 🙂 Promise.

Categorized as Random

Open Trackback Alliance

Please note: Imagine Kitty Magazine is changing direction and is no longer encouraging trackbacks of a political nature. Right wing or left wing, bashing or backing will most likely be denied. The line between the “right” and the “left” is so blurred that it all seems so pointless. You’re not going to change anyone’s mind… Continue reading Open Trackback Alliance

Open Trackback Weekend

I think I am going to switch my open trackback day to the weekend. Probably Friday through Sunday. Every Weekend I will try to have an Open Trackback article. From the Open Trackback Alliance FAQ: The entire concept is to encourage bloggers to showcase their best recent articles on other blogs which may not otherwise… Continue reading Open Trackback Weekend

Diane’s back!

Let’s all give a shout out to Diane. She was having trouble with her former hosting company and switched. Her page was offline for a couple of days and I was jonesing a bit. I read her daily. Drop her a comment or a trackback.