Microsoft has finally released us from the torture that is IE/Mac. In June 2003 the MS Mac Business Unit stopped development on Internet Explorer for Mac. MS ended support for the application on the last day of 2005 and will no longer offer it for download as of 31Jan06. From It is recommended that… Continue reading I no longer support IE5 for Mac
Category: Web design
A new guru
It seems today that I was given the distinct honor of being named one of the New Guru’s for css creator. I am humbled and grateful and I suppose now I am actually going to have to learn what this CSS thing really is. 😆 Thanks to Tony for the finest learning forum online! I’ve… Continue reading A new guru
Why web standards?
I could give you all the arguments on why you should code your pages according to the current standard. I could tell you that if you are not turning out valid and semantic code that you are unprofessional and that you shouldn’t quit your day job. I could explain the purpose of separating markup from… Continue reading Why web standards?
Ow! My bandwidth is clogged.
Only one thing annoys me more than uncompressed images and that’s SPAM!
New web standards forums
Check out the new web standards discussion forums. Give it a try. Register and join in. 🙂
Flash with Standards
The code that Flash outputs is not standards compliant and embed tags do not validate because they are not part of the XHTML standard.
Steps to building a proper web page
Note: The following series has been consolidated into one article here. Dump the WYSIWYG Do not use markup for presentation Include a proper doctype Validate your markup Validate your CSS Build for Firefox and hack for IE If you have a problem ask for help Let’s go through each of these steps in greater detail
Dump the WYSIWYG
Let’s face it. You can either be a part of the problem or a part of the solution. If you are allowing an application to turn out your markup then, unfortunately, you are a part of the problem. Yes, this includes Dreamweaver and GoLive. I am thoroughly convinced that these “web page editors” are for… Continue reading Dump the WYSIWYG
Do not use markup for presentation
Tables are meant to be used for one thing and one thing only and that is the display of tabular data. Please, do not use tables for layout. It is much better left to CSS. Using tables for layout is a messy hack often used to “get pages to look the same in all browsers”.… Continue reading Do not use markup for presentation
Include a proper Doctype
You start your sentences with a capital letter; start your HTML with a DOCTYPE. It’s just basic grammar. – Mark Pilgrim from Dive Into Accessibility Using a complete doctype will switch your browser into standards mode. This will cause it to render the page exactly as you have instructed it (which may look awful but… Continue reading Include a proper Doctype
Developing a website without validating is like running around with a blindfold on. As soon as you ask for directions, don’t be surprised if the only answer you’ll get is “take your blindfold off”. – some guy named Jim Validate your markup here Validate your CSS here
Build for Firefox
Firefox is a standards aware browser. The authors are actively involved in squashing bugs and making it work the way it should. When FF is switched to standards mode with a proper doctype everything works as expected.