I just received my copy of Office Ultimate 2007 (yes, I bought a 2007 app in 2008 … *sigh* why do they name them with years?) and everything went fine with no problems until I tried the second disk (which contains Accounting and Business Contact Manager). Accounting installed and then BCM threw an exception “Setup… Continue reading Getting Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 installed
Category: Random
Stuff that fits nowhere
Man Illegally Arrested for Refusing Bag Search
Today was an eventful day. I drove to Cleveland, reunited with my father’s side of the family and got arrested. More on that arrested part to come. For the labor day weekend my father decided to host a small family reunion. My sister flew in from California and I drove in from Pittsburgh to visit… Continue reading Man Illegally Arrested for Refusing Bag Search
According to The Drudge Report February 13. 2007: The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building has been postponed due to inclement weather. The hearing is entitled “Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a… Continue reading HOUSE HEARING ON ‘WARMING OF THE PLANET’ CANCELED AFTER ICE STORM
Corinne Bailey Rae
I really can’t get enough of this entire album. It’s so sweet and innocent sounding. “Put Your Records On” will have you singing along. Corinne Bailey Rae
Sorry, I can’t blog right now. Guitar Hero II.
I’ll get back to you when I beat the Expert level (see you in 2025)! Send food…and money! Help! Trackbacked to: Diane and Mel
Macworld 2007
The apple store is closed and Steve Jobs is set to take the stage. I’m hoping for an Apple based PDA/Cell phone. Please, Mr. Jobs. Thanks in advance. I’m so tired of jumping through hoops to get something that almost kinda sorta works but not the way I want it to work. Ooh, it is… Continue reading Macworld 2007
Dumb commercials (updated with pictures)
Many of today’s commercials are pure genius. Some of them purposely tick you off by being so annoying that you talk about it and by extension the product they are selling (Head On apply directly to the forehead…) or they are funny so you use the catch phrase in daily conversation (So easy a caveman… Continue reading Dumb commercials (updated with pictures)
Site reviews
Imagine Kitty Magazine changed my life. I now consider the feelings of others before saying nasty things. Thank you Imagine Kitty Magazine! – “Chicken” George What did I ever do before IKM? Where have you been all my life? Ever since I was built in a laboratory my life was meaningless and unemotional. I’ve discovered… Continue reading Site reviews
Why I am the way I am (episode III)
Grade: Kindergarten Age: 4 Miss McNanny announces another special activity for the day. I know I should have not expected much but I was only 4 and I was kind of like a dog. I’d come back after being abused every time. There were about 33 of us in class that day so Miss McNanny… Continue reading Why I am the way I am (episode III)
Comforting Embrace
Air Force Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, of the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group at Balad, Iraq, cradles a young girl as they both sleep in the hospital. The girl’s entire family was executed by insurgents; the killers shot her in the head as well. The girl received treatment at the U.S. military hospital in Balad,… Continue reading Comforting Embrace
Happy birthday, Marky!!!
Today is little Mark’s birthday! 🙂 I couldn’t take any more pics because he refuses to wear clothes. If he keeps his pants on for 10 minutes straight, I consider it a good day. 😆 Diane’s Stuff Friday 13th Weekend Open Trackbacks @ SamanthaBurns.com
Family look alikes
If you click on one of the pictures you can see who you look like. Trackbacked to: Diane’s Stuff