April 5th, 2008 is Bette Davis’ 100th birthday and it is also the third annual CSS Naked Day. If you are viewing this on April 5th then you will see no styling. Any other day it will look normal. A properly written web page should fail gracefully and still be useable by browsers that do… Continue reading Third annual CSS Naked day
Tag: Web standards
Discussion about web standardization and it’s importance to the future of web design
April 5th is CSS Naked Dayâ„¢
April 5th, 2006 is the first annual CSS Naked Day. If you are viewing this on April 5th then you will see no styling. Any other day it will look normal. A properly written web page should fail gracefully and still be useable by browsers that do not understand CSS. It is the web standards… Continue reading April 5th is CSS Naked Dayâ„¢
A gift from Mom
Today day my Mom gave me a nice present. She let me upgrade her iMac from OS 9 (with IE/Mac as her default browser) to OS X (with Safari). Mom and change do not go together very well but she took to OS X quite well. That 400MHz G3 was partying like it was 1999.… Continue reading A gift from Mom
Camino 1.0 Stable release
Camino is a Mac only browser (that’s the way to stick it to the man). After trying it out is seems much snappier than both Safari and Firefox. It comes with “Web Standards” links in the bookmarks (always a good sign). It handles javascript that Safari chokes on (such as the buttons in WordPress’ Write… Continue reading Camino 1.0 Stable release
Updated IKM Standards forums to simple machines
Like many I have grown weary of the constant updates and security holes in phpBB and having to constantly hack the templates to make them comply with W3 standards, I decided to give Simple Machines a try. I like it. I like it enough to replace the forum I have on this site. This forum… Continue reading Updated IKM Standards forums to simple machines
Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview available
Get your copy of Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2. You can check out all the new bugsfeatures and then learn how to uninstall it. 😆 Make sure you leave Microsoft some feedback at their discussion group. Hopefully, we won’t need to design a new series of hacks and fixes for this new browser. Maybe M$… Continue reading Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview available
I no longer support IE5 for Mac
Microsoft has finally released us from the torture that is IE/Mac. In June 2003 the MS Mac Business Unit stopped development on Internet Explorer for Mac. MS ended support for the application on the last day of 2005 and will no longer offer it for download as of 31Jan06. From Microsoft.com: It is recommended that… Continue reading I no longer support IE5 for Mac
A new guru
It seems today that I was given the distinct honor of being named one of the New Guru’s for css creator. I am humbled and grateful and I suppose now I am actually going to have to learn what this CSS thing really is. 😆 Thanks to Tony for the finest learning forum online! I’ve… Continue reading A new guru
Why web standards?
I could give you all the arguments on why you should code your pages according to the current standard. I could tell you that if you are not turning out valid and semantic code that you are unprofessional and that you shouldn’t quit your day job. I could explain the purpose of separating markup from… Continue reading Why web standards?
Ow! My bandwidth is clogged.
Only one thing annoys me more than uncompressed images and that’s SPAM!
New web standards forums
Check out the new web standards discussion forums. Give it a try. Register and join in. 🙂
Flash with Standards
The code that Flash outputs is not standards compliant and embed tags do not validate because they are not part of the XHTML standard.