Open Trackback Friday

Every Friday I will try to have an Open Trackback article. From the Open Trackback Alliance FAQ: The entire concept is to encourage bloggers to showcase their best recent articles on other blogs which may not otherwise recognize or know about their works. Open Trackback Alliance members have agreed to create an open article at… Continue reading Open Trackback Friday

Why web standards?

I could give you all the arguments on why you should code your pages according to the current standard. I could tell you that if you are not turning out valid and semantic code that you are unprofessional and that you shouldn’t quit your day job. I could explain the purpose of separating markup from… Continue reading Why web standards?

Built to sell out

Oh, goodness!!! 🙄 I marked this “Humor” but actually it is sad. Black Eyed Peas to Headline Honda Tour TORRANCE, Calif. – The hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas will headline the sixth annual Honda Civic Tour and help the automaker promote its new gas-electric hybrid model by giving away a customized car, which the group… Continue reading Built to sell out

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Open trackback day

Every Friday I will try to have an Open Trackback article. From the Open Trackback Alliance FAQ: The entire concept is to encourage bloggers to showcase their best recent articles on other blogs which may not otherwise recognize or know about their works. Open Trackback Alliance members have agreed to create an open article at… Continue reading Open trackback day

Retrograde complete

Everything works as it should (it seems). I’m going to do some testing and make sure everything is kosher. 🙂 Looks like some of the dates were fubarred in the mix but I think I got everything in order. I’ll report when I hear that WP2.0 is ready for human consumption.

Retrograde in progress

I am retrograding back to WordPress 1.5 due to WordPress 2.0 being generally sucky! I’m going to have to sift through the database. Blah! 😡 Everything should be operational except for the links. I’ll get them up soon.