Possible trackback solution

I may have a solution to the trackback issue with WP2.0. Pings will work if you execute execute_all_pings() /wp-admin/execute-pings.php It is obviously not being called in the script somewhere. Now to figure out where to place it. I am trying this at the end of post.php Change: break; } // end switch /* */ include(‘admin-footer.php’);… Continue reading Possible trackback solution

WordPress > Trackback to my WP2.0 doesn’t work WordPress Support

WordPress > Trackback to my WP2.0 doesn’t work WordPress Support Here is an ongoing discussion about the outgoing trackbacks in WP 2.0 not working. So far it seems that no one is paying attention and everyone that says they work are sending pingbacks instead of trackbacks and completely misunderstanding the problem. I wonder if the… Continue reading WordPress > Trackback to my WP2.0 doesn’t work WordPress Support

The MOTYs are here!

Please be sure to cast your vote for The 2005 Moron Of The Year Awards. Oh, so hard to choose just one. Do yourself a favor and don’t look at all the pictures. 😆 Perhaps we could use this for the award: 😀 I am trying out the my Open Trackback links here so go… Continue reading The MOTYs are here!

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Happy new year to you, too!

Here’s wishing you all a safe, prosperous and blessed 2006. I never thought I’d see 20 years after high school. :p Remember, kids. Don’t shoot into the air. What goes up must come down. When you do this you are violating my “wishing you all a safe” part up above. Don’t be stupid. Leave that… Continue reading Happy new year to you, too!

Categorized as Random

How to fix a poll

How to fix a poll to make it say what you want it to say

Categorized as Random


I wasn’t sure she’d have this one in by Monday but Samantha Burns’ Moron Of The Week #15 is ON! I wish I could fast forward to Friday! 😆 I hope my guess is right.

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Flash with Standards

The code that Flash outputs is not standards compliant and embed tags do not validate because they are not part of the XHTML standard.

My new favorite game

Moron of the Week by Samantha Burns. What a perfect idea. Moron Of The Week # 14 is now on. Somebody already picked my best guess. Get your answer in quick! 😆

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Steps to building a proper web page

Note: The following series has been consolidated into one article here. Dump the WYSIWYG Do not use markup for presentation Include a proper doctype Validate your markup Validate your CSS Build for Firefox and hack for IE If you have a problem ask for help Let’s go through each of these steps in greater detail

Dump the WYSIWYG

Let’s face it. You can either be a part of the problem or a part of the solution. If you are allowing an application to turn out your markup then, unfortunately, you are a part of the problem. Yes, this includes Dreamweaver and GoLive. I am thoroughly convinced that these “web page editors” are for… Continue reading Dump the WYSIWYG