Homespun Effects

I have begun a YouTube channel called Homespun Effects. I will show my process of creating guitar effect pedals from schematic to finished product. Check out the site and visit the YouTube channel.

The silent church

Every time I ask a question of my church friends that is deeper than “does God love me?” it’s as if the authorities called for radio silence. I’ve never once got a reply to a religious question. Quite frankly, I’ve had it with baby church.

Test Trackback

I remember I was hammering on a fence in the backyard when my dad approached me. He was carrying a letter or something in his hand, and he looked worried. I continued to hammer as he came toward me. β€œSon,” he said, β€œwhy are you hammering on that fence? It already has plenty of nails… Continue reading Test Trackback

Categorized as Humor

Libertarianism and Christianity …

While looking up information on Strymon pedals I stumbled across a blog concerning playing guitar in a church worship band. In my current church a few members have stated their liberal leanings and one complimented me on being civil in my staunch capitalist/constitutionalist, freedom loving facebook posts. I’m wondering how they would respond to the… Continue reading Libertarianism and Christianity …

Back to happy

I’ve always wanted to make a career in computers. It’s been 32 years since I got my first computer, a TI-99/4A, and taught myself BASIC and Extended BASIC. I’ve done a number of other jobs between then and my web programming gig. This marks the end of my sixth season of going back to nature.… Continue reading Back to happy

Intermittent internet connection failure using Vista on Verizon DSL

I’ve been having issues with Verizon DSL randomly shutting down and not coming back up for an unacceptable length of time. Strangely it only happens on the Vista machine in the house. None of the Macs have this issue. I think I discovered the issue. I had changed my settings in Opera using about:config. I… Continue reading Intermittent internet connection failure using Vista on Verizon DSL

Categorized as Random

Shoutcast Radio server

I helped a friend set up his Shoutcast server for his web site. It was a fun project and I really enjoyed it. I may have to install one for myself one of these days. πŸ™‚ Check out Polish New Castle for polka goodness 24 hours per day. πŸ™‚

Dynamic Javascript using ASP.NET MVC

Create a new MVC applictaion Open /Views/Shared/Site.Master <script src=”/Scripts/script.js” type=”text/javascript”></script> This doesn’t point to anything yet Open Global.asax Add a MapRoute routes.MapRoute(“Javascript”, “Scripts/{scriptFile}.js”, new { controller = “Scripts”, action = “Index”, scriptFile = “script” }); Now /Scripts/script.js points to Script/Index Add a view for CssController/Index <%= Url.Content(“~/Content/test.jpg”) %> Change contenttype in page directive of Views/Scripts/Index.aspx… Continue reading Dynamic Javascript using ASP.NET MVC

Dynamic CSS using ASP.NET MVC

I’ve been considering the usefulness of adding a CSS management system to my CMS that I’ve been working on. Here are the steps I’ve taken to implement it. Create a new MVC applictaion Open /Views/Shared/Site.Master <link href=”/Css/Site.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> This doesn’t point to anything yet Open Global.asax Add a MapRoute routes.MapRoute(“Css”, “Css/{cssFile}.css”, new {… Continue reading Dynamic CSS using ASP.NET MVC