With the recent celebration of valentine’s day at the church I attend, I once again sit wondering why pagan rituals are not only accepted but openly celebrated in a church that is supposed to separate themselves from the practices and customs of the world.
[bible]2 Corinthians 6:16-17[/bible]
Including christmas, easter, halloween and Sunday “sabbath”, I just can not find biblical evidence that a Christian should observe or celebrate any of these generally accepted “religious” holidays. The only exception to the list is probably Pentecost, a day that should be observed, biblically speaking, and that is shunned by all save the “pentecostal movement” (and even they get the wrong day by calculating it from easter instead of the weekly sabbath in the Passover week).
I understand that most pastors and priests are teaching what they honestly believe is the truth but whatever happened to looking into what you are being taught as the Bereans did?
[bible]Acts 17:10-11[/bible]
They searched the scriptures daily to see if what they were being taught was truth. They even had it harder than we have it today. They didn’t have a New Testament, they had to interpret the Old Testament to see if what they are being told about the Messiah agreed with the old prophecies.
I think it is time to start weighing your customs, thoughts, sermons, teachings and beliefs against the Bible that you claim to believe is the inspired Word of God
[bible]2 Timothy 3:16[/bible]
and get rid of the things that don’t agree. All I ask is you consider what I’m saying, it’s not that hard, you have it a lot easier than the Bereans did. Do some research and pray about it. Be Berean!
If I’m wrong, I expect to be told and corrected. I will accept any correction as long as it is biblical and not based on “we’ve always done things that way” or “I know that the holidays aren’t biblical but we use them for that purpose now”.
Trackbacked to:
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I agree whole heartedly with you. It is so hard to find any “christian” church that does not support pagan days!
Hey Amie,
How have you been? I hope all is well with you!