To do:
build Regex to detect bible verses in tagsput in named back-referencesfind a way to choose different tables with LINQmake it work for an entire chapteradd error messagesmove it to a class file instead of in the pagerun it from the filterText method if IndexOf(“[bible]”) !=-1fix toVerse in case it goes out of rangefix misspelled or abbreviated bookName with value from databasechange to Compiled Queries- add footnotes
- pretty up error messages
- clean up final code
public class bibleParts { public static Func<bibleDataContext, string, IQueryable<bibleParts>> theVersion = CompiledQuery.Compile((bibleDataContext context, string bibleVersion) => (from v in context.bibles_infos where v.bibleName == bibleVersion select new bibleParts { version = v.bibleID, language = v.language, copyright = v.copyright })); public static Func<bibleDataContext, int, string, IQueryable<bibleParts>> theBook = CompiledQuery.Compile((bibleDataContext context, int bookLang, string book) => (from b in context.book_names where ( == book || b.abbreviation == book || b.alt == book) && b.language == bookLang select new bibleParts { bookID = b.book_id, book = })); public static Func<bibleDataContext, int, int, int, IQueryable<bibleParts>> theVerses = CompiledQuery.Compile((bibleDataContext context, int version, int book, int chapter) => (from v in context.verses where v.versionID == version && v.bookID == book && v.chapter == chapter select new bibleParts { verseNum = v.verse1, thisVerse = v.text })); public int version {get;set;} public int language {get;set;} public string copyright {get;set;} public int bookID {get;set;} public string book {get;set;} public int verseNum {get;set;} public string thisVerse {get;set;} } </pre></pre> <pre><pre>private string verseMod(string text) { string textVal = text; string errorValue = ""; string verseNumBegin = "<sup>"; string verseNumEnd = "</sup>"; string footerBegin = "<em> - "; string footerEnd = "</em>"; string bibleVersion = "kjv"; //default version if none is specified string pat = @"\[bible[=]?(?<version>[a-zäëïöüæø]*)](?<entire>(?<book>([0-9][\s]?)?[a-zäëïöüæø]*[\s]{1}([a-zäëïöüæø]*[\s]?[a-zäëïöüæø]*[\s]{1})?)(?<chapter>[0-9]{1,3})(:{1}(?<verse>[0-9]{1,3})(-{1}(?<toVerse>[0-9]{1,3}))?)?)\[/bible]"; Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection m = r.Matches(textVal); foreach (Match match in m) { string verseVal = ""; string errorText = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["version"].Value)) bibleVersion = match.Groups["version"].Value; string thisBook = match.Groups["book"].Value; int fromVerse = 0; int toVerse; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["verse"].Value)) fromVerse = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["verse"].Value); toVerse = fromVerse; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["toVerse"].Value)) toVerse = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["toVerse"].Value); using (var bdc = new bibleDataContext()) { var searchVersion = bibleParts.theVersion(bdc, bibleVersion).SingleOrDefault(); if (searchVersion != null) { var searchBook = bibleParts.theBook(bdc, searchVersion.language, thisBook).SingleOrDefault(); if (searchBook != null) { var searchVerses = bibleParts.theVerses(bdc, searchVersion.version, searchBook.bookID, Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["chapter"].Value)); if (fromVerse != 0) { searchVerses = from v in searchVerses where v.verseNum >= fromVerse && v.verseNum <= toVerse select v; } string realToVerse = ""; verseVal += String.Format("{1}{0}{2}", match.Groups["entire"].Value.Replace(match.Groups["book"].Value.Trim(),, "<span class=\"bibleHead\">", "</span>"); verseVal += "<span class=\"bibleContent\">"; foreach (var theVerse in searchVerses) { string verseFormat = "{2}{1}{3}{0} "; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["toVerse"].Value) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["verse"].Value)) verseFormat = "{0} "; verseVal += String.Format(verseFormat, theVerse.thisVerse, theVerse.verseNum, verseNumBegin, verseNumEnd); realToVerse = theVerse.verseNum.ToString(); } verseVal += String.Format("{1}{0}{2}</span>", searchVersion.copyright, footerBegin, footerEnd); verseVal = verseVal.Replace(String.Format("-{0}", toVerse), String.Format("-{0}", realToVerse)); verseVal = verseVal.Replace("-</span>", "</span>"); } else { errorText = "The book \"{0}\" does not exist. Please check the spelling and try again."; errorValue = match.Groups["book"].Value; } } else { errorText = "The version \"{0}\" is not installed on this server"; errorValue = match.Groups["version"].Value; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText)) { textVal = textVal.Replace(match.Groups[0].Value, verseVal); } else { textVal = textVal.Replace(match.Groups[0].Value,String.Format(errorText,errorValue.Trim())); } } } return textVal; }
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