Father, I just thank you for Mark. I thank you for my brother. Lord, we bless him right now.
The Lord says, “Son, I’ve been working in you and working on you.” And yea, the Lord says, “I’m working through you now greater than ever before.” And the Lord says, “I’m doing some finalizing in your life and I’m taking that screwdriver and I’m tightening down and making some adjustments.” And yea, the Lord says, “It’s like a torque wrench going on you.” And yea, the Lord says, “I’m removing some things out of you and I’m putting some new things within you. I’m taking out the old and some of the religious mindsets and past traditions.” And yea, the Lord says, “and I’m filling you up with new revelation.” And the Lord says, “Son, get ready because you’re getting ready to jump out into the river as never before and walk on the water.” And yea, the Lord says, “I’m going to raise you up in the house. I’m going to raise you up,” says the Lord, “with some business opportunities in these next few years to come. I’m just making the man right now. I’m stirring your heart with desires.” And yea, the Lord says, “the resources will be there and you love to sow and you love to give and you love to minister and you love to plant.” And yea, the Lord says, “the day comes when you’re going to have much substance to give and sow and plant.” And yea, the Lord says, “but now the word of knowledge that’s on the inside of you that ministry gift shall flourish.” And yea, the Lord says, “you’re going to dance, you’re going to rejoice, you’ll not just be a worshipper, but you’re going to be a wild warrior for me,” says the Lord. And yea, the Lord says, “the day comes when you’ll get out from behind the sound system and you will run the aisles and you will jump and leap and twirl and as you dance on the devils head victory is going to be released not only in your life but in the lives of others, and I’m making you like a Holy Ghost whirlwind,” says the Lord, “and you’re going to be a centrifugal force of my anointing,” says God. And yea, the Lord says, “the day comes when you teach and you exhort and you minister to men and you’re going to minister to my people,” saith God, “in ways that you thought that you weren’t even capable or qualified because I’ve called you, you’re qualified,” says the Lord.
Father we bless Mark in Jesus’ name. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Amen.