Here’s a pic of my son with our favorite movie of all time. 😆 Trackbacked to Sam
Category: Humor
Something that hopefully will make you laugh
File sharing philistines
Eureka! I’ve finally discovered why the music industry is against file sharing applications. If you’ve ever searched for your favorite band you’ll soon realize there are songs by them that you’ve never heard. If you’ve searched for a song you’ll discover that it was performed by someone you hadn’t expected. Let’s take a look: I… Continue reading File sharing philistines
Unmarried couple or hippies?
I submitted this article to The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns and it quickly sunk to the depths of page two. I may as well put it here as well. I don’t post as often as Sam does. 😉 Here’s a story about Black Jack, MO. Apparently, in Black Jack, you are not allowed to… Continue reading Unmarried couple or hippies?
Why I am the way I am (part II)
Grade: Kindergarten Age: 4 Just before Christmas break Miss McNanny gave us a full day of recess. We were allowed to just play or take a nap or do anything we wanted all day long. It was pretty awesome especially to a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds (and one 7 year old that… Continue reading Why I am the way I am (part II)
So let it be written. So let it be done!
Samantha Burns has posted her Ten Commandments of Blogging Number 10 is my favorite: Thou shalt make an attempt to use proper grammar and spelling. All of these “commandments” are necessary if you intend for anyone to take you seriously. This all reminds me of my first blog entry which happened before I knew about… Continue reading So let it be written. So let it be done!
A gift from Mom
Today day my Mom gave me a nice present. She let me upgrade her iMac from OS 9 (with IE/Mac as her default browser) to OS X (with Safari). Mom and change do not go together very well but she took to OS X quite well. That 400MHz G3 was partying like it was 1999.… Continue reading A gift from Mom
This years MOTY Award goes to… …Oh, this is no surprise, Cindy Sheehan. She is not considered the Moron of the Year because she lost her hero of a son but because she continually shames him in the typical moonbat way and protests that for which he willingly gave his life. Sheehan was the founder… Continue reading ANNOUNCEMENT: 2005 MOTY Results
George Bush forces moron to smoke
Out of Iraq Day Event in New York City – PDA Actor Sean Penn added to the enthusiasm of the day by stressing that all of the nation’s anti-war activism was taking hold and was starting to work—while admitting that the stress of living under the current administration was making it tough for him to… Continue reading George Bush forces moron to smoke
Final MOTY Voting Day! Get your votes in!
Click here to vote for “The Moron of the Year 2005”. The MOTY award will go to the most deserving person. Perhaps we can engrave this years moron on the base of the award and they can pass it to next years moron kind of like the Stanley Cup. We’ll just add to the base… Continue reading Final MOTY Voting Day! Get your votes in!
Built to sell out
Oh, goodness!!! 🙄 I marked this “Humor” but actually it is sad. Black Eyed Peas to Headline Honda Tour TORRANCE, Calif. – The hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas will headline the sixth annual Honda Civic Tour and help the automaker promote its new gas-electric hybrid model by giving away a customized car, which the group… Continue reading Built to sell out
Best blonde joke ever!
Ah ha ha ha! This is the best blonde joke in the world!
The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns: 2005 MOTYs
Voting for The MOTYs begins today, January 4 and will end on January 11; results posted January 13th. Get your votes in! One vote per person so make it count. Your choices for Moron of the Year 2005 are: Sean Penn Martha Stewart Tara Reid Boy George Michelle Kosinski Madonna Cindy Sheehan Ashlee Simspon Mary… Continue reading The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns: 2005 MOTYs