Happy passover

[bible]Luke 22:19-20[/bible] The New Covenant Passover is a memorial of the death of Jesus Christ as the true Passover Lamb. We eat the broken bread and drink the wine in remembrance (re-enactment) of the sacrifice of His beaten body and shed blood.

Copyright infringement by National Review Online

The March 12th, 2007 edition of National Review Online contained a rotating feature banner containing a photograph taken and owned by a friend of mine, Ken Lunde. The original photograph: ©Ken LundeClick for a full sized image Ken Lunde’s web site clearly states the following: Note that I am the copyright holder of all of… Continue reading Copyright infringement by National Review Online

Remington to Sever Sponsorship Ties with Jim Zumbo

In a recent press release the Madison, North Carolina company, Remington Arms Company, Inc. has severed ties with Jim Zumbo, a life-long hunter and firearm enthusiast. This is due to the fact that Zumbo, in his outdoorlife blog, stated that AR-15s are “terrorist rifles” insulting numerous firearms groups and enthusiasts that enjoy and use AR-15s… Continue reading Remington to Sever Sponsorship Ties with Jim Zumbo

Be Berean

With the recent celebration of valentine’s day at the church I attend, I once again sit wondering why pagan rituals are not only accepted but openly celebrated in a church that is supposed to separate themselves from the practices and customs of the world. [bible]2 Corinthians 6:16-17[/bible] Including christmas, easter, halloween and Sunday “sabbath”, I… Continue reading Be Berean


According to The Drudge Report February 13. 2007: The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building has been postponed due to inclement weather. The hearing is entitled “Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a… Continue reading HOUSE HEARING ON ‘WARMING OF THE PLANET’ CANCELED AFTER ICE STORM

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Corinne Bailey Rae

I really can’t get enough of this entire album. It’s so sweet and innocent sounding. “Put Your Records On” will have you singing along. Corinne Bailey Rae

Categorized as Random Tagged

Macworld 2007

The apple store is closed and Steve Jobs is set to take the stage. I’m hoping for an Apple based PDA/Cell phone. Please, Mr. Jobs. Thanks in advance. I’m so tired of jumping through hoops to get something that almost kinda sorta works but not the way I want it to work. Ooh, it is… Continue reading Macworld 2007

Categorized as Random

Site reviews

Imagine Kitty Magazine changed my life. I now consider the feelings of others before saying nasty things. Thank you Imagine Kitty Magazine! – “Chicken” George What did I ever do before IKM? Where have you been all my life? Ever since I was built in a laboratory my life was meaningless and unemotional. I’ve discovered… Continue reading Site reviews

Categorized as Humor Tagged

Bible verse tags 2.0

See here for more information on the new version of the Bible verse tags. I hope that this plugin can be used to spread the good news throughout the earth. Let me know if you need any help installing it. [bible=kjv]John 3:16[/bible] [bible=asv]1 John 1[/bible] [bible=dansk]1 Mosebog 3:12[/bible] [bible=luther]Kol 3:1-3[/bible] Trackbacked to: Open Trackback @… Continue reading Bible verse tags 2.0