Thanks to Cao over at Cao’s blog for pointing out that the link to my open trackback post was broken. I was wondering why I haven’t got any for a long time. I’m going to have to ping everyone to let them know it’s back up and active. Please accept my heartfelt apology. 🙂 Mark… Continue reading Open trackback problems (sorry)
Author: Mark
Why I am the way I am (episode III)
Grade: Kindergarten Age: 4 Miss McNanny announces another special activity for the day. I know I should have not expected much but I was only 4 and I was kind of like a dog. I’d come back after being abused every time. There were about 33 of us in class that day so Miss McNanny… Continue reading Why I am the way I am (episode III)
Word Press 2.0 Trackback fix revisit
Well, wordpress still stinks in the trackback department. I’ve applied Paul Ooi’s Word Press 2.0 Trackback fix and am attempting to send a trackback to that post. Let’s see if it works. *sigh*
Comforting Embrace
Air Force Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, of the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group at Balad, Iraq, cradles a young girl as they both sleep in the hospital. The girl’s entire family was executed by insurgents; the killers shot her in the head as well. The girl received treatment at the U.S. military hospital in Balad,… Continue reading Comforting Embrace
National Ammo Day
November 19 is National Ammo Day. It is a nationwide BUYcott of ammunition. You buy ammunition. 100 Rounds a person. The goals of Ammo Day: The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the… Continue reading National Ammo Day
Happy birthday, Marky!!!
Today is little Mark’s birthday! 🙂 I couldn’t take any more pics because he refuses to wear clothes. If he keeps his pants on for 10 minutes straight, I consider it a good day. 😆 Diane’s Stuff Friday 13th Weekend Open Trackbacks @
Family look alikes
If you click on one of the pictures you can see who you look like. Trackbacked to: Diane’s Stuff
Swan Songs – In Search of the Staffstone
Swan Songs – In Search of the Staffstone “A blast of fire roared toward him. The clothes on his back burst into flames. Kyle dove into the river… The dragon dove into the river…” Swan Songs In Search of the Staffstone A Christian children’s fantasy-adventure story about… An archaeologist uncle responsible for two world wars—maybe… Continue reading Swan Songs – In Search of the Staffstone
Wasted years
Way too long ago I did something regrettable. I gave up a friend. Sure, I may have been going through some tough times but I should have never taken any of it out on him. What was happening in my life was that I got involved with someone that was very selfish and hurtful. I… Continue reading Wasted years
Happy 4th of July
Be safe. Be happy. Be free! IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the… Continue reading Happy 4th of July
Best father’s day gift
Me and little Mark went to pick up grandma’s pictures at the Wal★Mart. He was unusually calm and not running to the toy aisle. Such a good boy! On the way out there was a shriner asking for donations and little Mark looks at him, points at me and says “Hello, this is my best… Continue reading Best father’s day gift
Actual disenfranchised voters
Al Gore was right! There were disenfranchised voters, oh wait. It was the democrats that were responsible for it all the time. Looks like Quinn is right, “If you want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse the conservatives of”. JS Online:4 sentenced to jail for tire slashings …… Continue reading Actual disenfranchised voters